Foundation Inaugurates Naomi Prawer Kadar Fellowship at Columbia University

The Naomi Foundation is delighted to announce the creation of six new Yiddish summer-study scholarships in 2017 for Yiddish students at Columbia University (CU), Barnard College and the Jewish Theological Seminary.
The Naomi Prawer Kadar Fellowship provides students with the opportunity to study in The Naomi Prawer Kadar International Yiddish Summer Program at Tel Aviv University, followed by a trip to Poland (“Exploring Yiddishland”), which will be led by a CU faculty member. Naomi Prawer Kadar Fellows commit to at least three semesters of continuous Yiddish language instruction at CU, which enables them to fulfill the Columbia language requirement in three semesters instead of four, and to receive credits toward a Concentration in Yiddish or a Major Track in Yiddish.
The Naomi Prawer Kadar Fellowship was established with support from the Levine Family, together with the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies at CU, and the Department of Germanic Languages.
Visit CU’s website about the fellowship to learn more and apply.